Expand your English vocabulary and gain eloquence and quick-wittedness!
You would like to expand your treasury of English words? You have always desired to come across as an eloquent and well-educated person? Then this vocabulary trainer is just the right one for you!
Hundreds of selected words from the Wiktionary can be browsed and learned systematically. This vocab builder uses the successful flashcard system. Train your eloquence in the learning mode, in the quiz mode or in a word scramble game.
- 700 words (i.e. GRE, SAT)
- Learning Mode (Flashcard, card index system)
- Quiz Mode (like a Trivia game with different answer options)
- Word Scramble Mode (spell the vocab in the right way, alternative to hangman)
- Both directions: word or description is given; also random selection is possible
- Easy wiping through the word list
- Statistics about learning bevavior (how much right/wrong
answers, five best/worst words, distribution of the words
in the boxes)
- Widget for the homescreen with automatically updated words. Learn the words from the app by looking at your homescreen
- Offline: All words are on your device
- Efficient memory allocation and less storage needed
- App2SD
- No permissions needed
- Word Trainer, Vocabulary Trainer, Word Builder, Vocab Builder