ऑटो जांच में सचाई को आप वाई फाई से कनेक्ट करते.
Check-in to foursquare automatically (auto checkin)!
** If you have any issues, please email me. I haven't been able to test on every phone **
- You might not get a notification on older android devices (< 4.0). I'm working to fix this now.
Map your saved wifi networks to Foursquare places. Then when you connect to that network you will be automatically checked-in.
- Create unlimited wifi-place mappings
- Get notified when you are checked-in
- Uses your approximate location on check-in, so you still get points!
- Very battery efficient
Pro features coming soon.
tweet me with feature requests! @rathboma
'Foursquare' is a trademark of Foursquare Labs Inc. Wi-fi Check-in is not affiliated, sponsored, or endorsed by Foursquare Labs in any way.