WHtR कैलक्यूलेटर - आप अपने वजन सामान्य है या नहीं पता है?
WHtR Calculator - Do you know whether your weight is normal or not?
With this app you can calculate your waist to height ratio (WHtR). Your WHtR and the related category will be displayed. So you get to know whether you have underweight, normalweight or overweight or if you have a disease (obese).
In the detail overview you get more information about your WHtR. There you can choose your age and in the tabels below the related category and row will be highlighted in different colors.
Everybody can use the WHtR Calculator in contrast to the BMI Calculator. Muscular people can also use it. More information you´ll get inside the app under "Info".
More features:
* Save your last inputs (height, waist circumference, age)
* Save your last chosen measure units (cm, inch)
* Detail overview
* Haptic feedback (switch on and off)
* Changing the backgroundcolor of the calculator
* changing and saving languages
* Supported languages:
- German
- English
Any questions? Contact me at the e-mail adress below!