अनोखा सामान्य ज्ञान + शब्द गूढ़ व्यक्ति!
VWLS is a game all about VOWELS. Did you get it?
Word finding has never been trickier and fun when all you have are scrambled consonants aided by a clue. Find the vowels, find the word.
Gameplay :
In the game, you’ll be given a clue and a set of words to find out. Here’s the catch, the words will only have shuffled consonants. Find the right words by rearranging the consonants and adding the right vowels.
Key Features :
- 500+ puzzles
- Level Editor
- Cloud sync
- Detailed in-game statistics
"If you are serious about improving your vocabulary, the only months you can stop playing this game are those without a vowel in their name!" :)