स्तन कैंसर रोगियों का समर्थन करना
Vik Breast is a virtual companion answering your questions and those of your loved ones about breast cancer.
He is able to address many topics such as treatments and side effects, illness, but also well-being, sports, supportive care ...
Vik Breast provides various features. The treatment reminder function aims to improve adherence to treatment, so you will follow up on your long-term adherence.
You can subscribe to certain content such as nutrition and receive once a week tips and tricks that help you better manage your illness.
You may also share your experience, and receive testimonials from other users, so you will feel less alone about the disease.
Thanks to the function question of the day, you will receive if you wish once a week a question, you will be able to answer it and consult the answers of the other users, so you will learn a little more about your illness.
The information provided by Vik is reliable as developed by health professionals according to national recommendations.