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Simple Ukulele Tuner app is easy and simple in being able to tune your ukulele quickly and efficiently for a musical lesson or practicing with friends. This ukulele tuner uses a combination of probability theory and Fourier Transforms to provide the best chromatic tuner for string, woodwind, or brass instruments.
This specific tuner is aimed at those who play the ukulele, you should be able to swiftly and quickly tune your ukulele and not break any strings. I have sample notes for G String, C String, E String, and A String all at the right octave to ensure speed and accuracy for ukulele tuning.
Included are also the 72 most common chords used for the Ukulele.
So whether you are playing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, “Hotel California”, or preparing for a big performance. This ukulele tuner will have your ukulele ready to go without breaking any strings.