सर्वश्रेष्ठ पाक कला सहायक
Absolutely FREE! - You Get Over 1000 Recipes Totally FREE!
Over 1000 recipes from all over the world with gorgeous photos. Mouth watering main dishes, salads, beverages, desserts, cakes, pastries, soups and more...
- Over 1000 recipes with explanatory steps,
- Low calorie diet recipes.
- Everyday a new recipe,
- Find just what you are looking for with advanced search algorithm,
- Ask any question about the recipes and get immediate answers from Kevser (the cook) herself,
- Find recipes for cooking what you have in the fridge by searching singular ingredients,
- Create your shopping list with one touch,
- Crate favorite list,
- Share recipes by email, facebook and twitter,
- Recipe suggestions according to your search terms.
Whether you are a busy mum looking for easy practical recipes for dinner, a gourmet chef who wants to look for a recipe who didn't try before or just a regular person who just wants to cook, this app is definitely for you.
We love and enjoy your feedback to make this app better.
From the founder of http://www.kevserinmutfagi.com and http://turkishstylecooking.com