कुल मिश्रित राशन (TMR)
In Kenya, the demand for quality animal products such as milk, meat, and eggs is ever increasing mainly due to human population growth, further urbanization, increased disposable incomes, greater diversity of food products to meet nutritional needs, and increased opportunities for domestic and external trade. This has resulted in a revolution of animal enterprises such as commercial dairy, meat or poultry farms all over the country. The commercial enterprises and the small animal holders need optimization of profit with limited investment on feeding cost since feeds contribute 60-80% of the variable costs of milk, pork, and poultry production. A producer who is able to reduce feed cost is likely to make more profit from animal agriculture. The ideal method should rationalize the change in feed formulation and at the same time reduce the cost of meeting the demand of animal.
The livestock sector is therefore under significant pressure to greatly increase the amount of safe, nutritious feed available to animals to provide the food products needed in the future. Providing animals with adequate, balanced diets, free of toxins and contaminants is essential to enhancing their productivity and welfare. Good quality feed also increases the incomes of producers, ensures a better quality product and a cleaner, greener environment.