हम सभी फिल्मों में देखा है: मिठाई-पुष्ट लड़के और लड़कियों के साथ ले जाया गया
We've all seen it in movies: sweet-athletic boys and girls were taken along the board and ran into the sea, waves and adventure meet, they embodied a spirit of freedom is invincible, when a person in conjunction with nature can work wonders. However, surfing - the phenomenon is not American, and its history dates back over a thousand years ago. How exactly? Read in today's article.
Riding on the waves piece of wood - an integral part of Polynesian culture: it originated there and surfing. The first Europeans arrived in Polynesia only the XVIII century, and saw a strange picture for them: dozens of Aboriginal men and women completely naked, were carved from wood board and riding waves on the Black Sea littoral them. Lieutenant James King, who continued the path Pacific James Cook (which, as we know, eating cannibals), one of the first described a culture of surfing in Hawaii.