शॉर्टकट - सभी जरूरतों के लिए एक ऐप।
One App for All needs! Finding hard to get nearest medical shop or grocery shop to home deliver?
Shortkut gets to you all your needs in a single app right from booking an appointment at your nearest dentist to booking a cab for a ride.
Shortkut brings all your local businesses at your fingertips with their individual partner apps hosted on our shortkut app.
You can chat with various businesses place orders, make payments and get your desired products and services at your doorstep or book the service in advance to have a hassle free experience
Buy Directly with businesses without middlemen to get the best prices!
PERMISSIONS - We take your privacy seriously. These are the app permissions we seek & why we seek them:
GPS Location/ Coarse Location (Cell tower/Wi-Fi): Your location helps us identify how far a business is from you as well as check if home delivery is available for your location. It also helps us serve relevant results & make apt recommendations to you.
To write to external storage: Shortkut has the chat feature where you can exchange images with businesses, which would help you in your purchase decisions. We need the permission to store these images and chats locally.
Camera: You can also take a picture from your camera and send it to a business. For instance if you found something you like & would like to find out if someone has similar products, etc. QR code scanner feature also uses camera.
Get accounts: This permission is taken for us to be able to send notifications to you. This helps us notify you about important messages & updates.