रिषभ CONVENT इंदौर
This app is dedicated for the parent's teachers students of Rishabh Convent School Indore.
From here you would be able to manage your school system information and notifications
Key Highlight Features:
Take student admission with powerful student admission form add 40+ records for student including previous school details. Add student siblings, RTE, IDs and multiple documents to maintain complete record in student profile.
Search student with different criteria and keywords.
Student profile consist 360* student record with admission, personal, contact, fees, exam and document details.
Promote student in next academic session based on pass/fail and continue/leaving school.
Categories students in a class-section based on different criteria like caste, their skill ability etc.
Most advanced fees collection mechanism to adopt any type of fees structure including fees type, fees groups, fees masters, free hand fees , due date, fine, discount, fees and discount allotment on more than 5 different criteria. State of the art fees collection page. Various fees reports.
Manage school other income and expense head wise with receipt upload.
Manage student attendance smartly in few clicks. Get attendance report monthly class-section wise.
And many more...
Need one ?
React at : admin@webcraft.co.in