simple, a minecraft wannabe that somehow got very popular and Minecraft is aware oh so aware, Now I will say something very smart, ahem, dookiebuttfartpooppeestinkypp, in conlusion its indeed a copy cat.
समीक्षा: 339 रेटिंग: 8.1
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simple, a minecraft wannabe that somehow got very popular and Minecraft is aware oh so aware, Now I will say something very smart, ahem, dookiebuttfartpooppeestinkypp, in conlusion its indeed a copy cat.
Your name does not fit you at all, in fact you are the opposite of sophistication, a ******, if you will.
What the **** do you mean Minecraft wannabe? First of all, there are WAYY more bosses than in Minecraft, which only has 2. Second of all, it has more biomes, more ores, more challenges, and more structures. Third, Its graphics. Its 2-dimensional, Minecraft is 3-dimensional, sure they both use pixels, but the graphics are WAYYY different than minecrafts. Got a comeback for that, numbskull?
Your **** as **** kid, your brain is like of a 3 year old, bet u so fat that when thanos snaped he's fingers u just lost some weightIf i looked at u and if my friend asked me "What ya lookin at" i would say "A mistake" bc ur parents had a mistake known as you, your mama so slow it took her 9 months to make a joke, your mama so fat when i pictured her in my head it broke my neck, your mama so fat that when i started printing a pic of her last year at July 6, and to this day it still prints, Your mama so **** that she was waiting for the Stop sign to say 'Go', your mama so **** she thought the rapper Eminem was a candy M&M
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अब आप प्रीमियम-विशेष तेज डाउनलोड सेवा का आनंद ले सकते हैं।