अल्ट्रा साउंड चूहों बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता कि फटने के माध्यम से चूहा शील्ड चूहों के विरुद्ध सुरक्षा
Rat Shield gives protection against rats, mouses and all so forth.
It produces sound effects rats can't stand - e.g. high frequency ultrasound that is used for warning other rats about present danger.
For more scientific facts see e.g. "Principles of Rat Communication: Quantitative
Parameters of Ultrasonic Calls in Rats" from Stefan M. Brudzynski (http://www.cursoecologia.ufba.br/Arquivos/Comunicacao_Animal/rat_communication.pdf)
Let's fight against rats!