Jun 7, 2018
एक चुनौतीपूर्ण, तेजी से paced, 2 डी, टाइल पहेली चारों ओर भूख रंगीन सांप! पुराने संस्करण डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें Raining Snakes जो आपके डिवाइस मॉडल के अनुकूल है और अपनी पसंदीदा सुविधाओं का आनंद लें!
Patched a number of features based off of user feedback:
- Fixed the gem count in the "split" level to read as 1 gem, not 2.
- Reduced the total number of snakes in the "split" level and the "door switch" level
- Reduced overall app file size.
- Changed the brightness of purple and blue snakes to make them stand out better.
- Daily levels: fixed the direction of levers, so that levers will never spawn facing down.