पति, प्रार्थनाओं, पति के लिए प्रार्थना, पति के लिय डुवा, पति, प्रार्थना के लिए प्रार्थनाएं
Free application
Prayers for your husband
As a wife, you have been given the privilege of serving as a mighty prayer warrior for your husband. Yet sometimes, even when poised with the best of intentions, the task can feel overwhelming. You wonder: What should I pray?
This is a challenge for wives to pray for their husbands for 31 days and will help you put a FACE on praying for your husband
Focus — I need to know what specifically to pray for my husband or I’ll just keep praying the same things over and over again.
Accountability — I need others to keep me accountable and remind me daily to passionately pray for my husband.
Challenge — I need to be challenged to go deeper in the way that I pray for my husband. A community of others praying will help shape my prayers.
these prayers should not replace your personal communication with your husband but should be use to help build him up in the spirit realm so he leads the household just like Christ heads the church.
For husbands, or men desiring to fill God's noble calling to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, Water of the Word provides not only a biblical framework, replete with verses to focus one’s attention and catalyze one’s spiritual thinking, but also beautiful prose to stir the soul of devotional prayer.