Jun 9, 2024
कब तक आप शांत किया गया है? आप कितना पैसा बचाया है? Nomo में मदद करते हैं! पुराने संस्करण डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें nomo - Sobriety Clocks जो आपके डिवाइस मॉडल के अनुकूल है और अपनी पसंदीदा सुविधाओं का आनंद लें!
Tons of new updates for this version. There's now a new Encouragement page that lets you comment on posts. I also improved the Journal experience with a much cleaner look. You can rearrange your clocks by holding down on one until they all start to wiggle. There are also tons of bug fixes and speed improvements. Thanks for using my app! As always, I'm an independent developer, so if you run into any issues, please email and I'll do my best to fix them ([email protected])