मोबाइल डिवाइस से अपने Aldebaran रोबोटिक नाव रोबोट दूर से नियंत्रित।
Remote Control your NAO Robot by mobile device.
This app has originally been developed by Robin Bonnes, Daniel Elsing and Aron Faas as a school project from the Saxion University of Applied Sciences. Later on Robin made a remake of this application to comply with the 2.x SDK version. We are not in any way affiliated with Aldebaran Robotics, neither are we responsible for any damage done to your robot by this app.
Current to-do list:
- Fix all connection related issues.
- Add the 'Compose' feature.
- Add more actions such as dances and sports.
- Add more documentation.
- Add Multilanguage support.
- Create an ad-free version.
Also donations are very welcome, this encourages me to release the iOS version in the App Store and add many more cool features. You can donate at: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=CGHSF4WED62ZW
Simply run the app and follow the on-screen instructions.