एप्पल app IOS उपकरणों के साथ एक शॉट तस्वीरों का समर्थन है। के रूप में पल पकड़ो ...
Apple APP to support one shot photos with IOS devices. Catch the moment as a source to generate 3D Models and/or panoramic Pictures.
Vision of a 3D Person Scanner building set
The future is more and more 3D printing and therefore also 3D Scanning.
What do you think about a building set to create your own 3D Personal Scanner? To do so you will need different photos from different perspective that are taken at nearly same time, a process to collect the photos and a software that generate from the photos a 3D Modell.
1.) Common Photos - APS4U
Idea behind "Automatic Photo Shooting For You (APS4U)" is to develops an IOS APP that allows to make from different iPod at nearly the same time pictures. Software will controls a maximum of 50 iPod Touch and will be designed in a way that latest after 1 sec of the first photo the photo of the last device will be shoot.
Photos will be send from each device to a collector folder.
2.) Mergen Photos to 3D Modell
Taking photos from different perspective there are several software that create a 3D Model (Autodesk 123D, Microsoft Photosynth, Strada, Autodesk Memento, etc.) . This will not be part of the APP, because there are already good software to support this process. Its is up to you to create with the APS4U-APP you own 3D Scanner, because APS4U will only support the syncroncity of the photos.
There are 3D Person Scanner available in the market for the same functionality, but using iPods the cost should be reduced by factor 10 according my benchmarks. Also it is possible to create Facebook or twitter events where groups share the IOS devices to have photos. Last but not least there are the possibility to rent the iPods with the software.
The photos can also be used to create panoramic pictures.
IOS App for oneshoot photographie supporting up to 50 IOS devices. Photos will be send to Dropbox.
Rent 50 IPod Touches 6. Generation 16 GB.