Jan 16, 2016
टाइम्स टेबल्स गुणा और समय सारणी में जानने के लिए अपने बच्चे को एड्स। Multiplication - Times Tables का नवीनतम संस्करण 1.0.3 डाउनलोड करें ताकि आप नए फ़ीचर्स और अपडेट्स का तुरंत आनंद ले सकें!
Interstitials were being shown on exit, that was removed.
Interstitials are loaded before being shown and not shown if not loaded. They will no longer appear randomly but specifically after a question is answered but before the next question is loaded.
The app was using legacy ads. It was upgraded to use admob ads from
google play services. The legacy AdmobAd library was deleted.