MolQ पुस्तक नियुक्ति और जांच रिपोर्ट के लिए एक उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल रोगी app है।
MolQ is an ISO (9001:2008) certified healthcare service provider focusing on delivering Personalized Medicine to our patients. It provides Clinical, Diagnostic and Research services in the field of Oncology, Genetics and Infectious Diseases. In addition, MolQ offers various consultancy services to our clients in the healthcare industry.
MolQ offers various tests and test combinations, ranging from routine screening tests to highly esoteric molecular and genetic assays.
MolQ has a full-service genetics laboratory offering testing in molecular genetics, cytogenetics, biochemical genetics, and maternal serum screening, with expertise in sequencing, MLPA, fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), microarray, and biochemical assays.
MolQ is committed to providing the highest-quality service to help our clients to ensure that genetic testing is ordered appropriately. Our genetic counselors are an integral part of our laboratory and serve as an invaluable resource to our clients and ordering healthcare providers.
MolQ is genetic laboratory personnel are available to answer your questions about test ordering, results interpretation, and logistical issues. Our efforts have helped to improve patient care by canceling duplicate, inappropriate, and unnecessary tests, saving time, money, and potentially preventing missed diagnoses. Working in partnership with healthcare providers, MolQ genetic laboratory personnel discuss the clinical indication for testing, along with any other pertinent information, to ensure that the testing ordered will provide the information needed in the most cost-effective manner possible.