Dec 19, 2015
एक सॉफ्टवेयर कारीगरों के रूप में एक पोकर कार्ड योजना का एक डेक के बिना नहीं जा सकते। पुराने संस्करण डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें Material Scrum Poker जो आपके डिवाइस मॉडल के अनुकूल है और अपनी पसंदीदा सुविधाओं का आनंद लें!
Nearby is here! If you and your pals enable Nearby, the cards will automatically reveal once everybody selected their card. Also, you can just shake your phone to reveal it. A short vibrate will confirm that you shook correctly!
This latest version includes a big fix related to shaking and Nearby, and natural number one through 20 are also added! Also no more rotation issues, cards are always upright.