IPv6 सुरंग के ऊपर IETF के मानचित्र (मैपिंग पता और पोर्ट) आईपीवी 4 के लिए एक दृश्य उपकरण
MAP Calculator is a tool designed to help you deal with MAP (Mapping Address and Port), IETF's last IPv4 - IPv6 stateless tunneling solution. The spec for MAP is being edited by the Softwire Working Group and is available here : http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-softwire-map/
MAP Calculator features :
- Immediately understand how IPv6 and IPv4+Port are mapped thanks to an intuitive graphical representation
- Get a feeling of the trade-offs through a clear display of core information (addresses used, customers supported, service level)
- Play with all the MAP parameters in a most natural way by dragging things around with you finger to move them
A more advanced web version of this tool is available online at http://map46.cisco.com, with many additional features like the support of multiple mapping rules or the ability to save/load your work !