मैनुअल TherAPPist - एक फिजियोथेरेपिस्ट के उपकरण में सब!
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The ultimate application for Manual Therapists! Whether you are a new or an expert manual therapist, this application will be your most valuable tool for treating your patients.
FAQ, VIDEO presentations, more screenshots and support in our site.
* Unlimited patient list.
* Forms for both new and expert therapists.
* Personal data for your patients with consent forms.
* Take notes with handwriting, video, photo, sounds.
* Subjective Examination, including:
- 24h behaviour
- History
- General Health
- Screening Questions
- Patient opinion
- Safety questions
- Activity restrictions
* Body chart drawing with colors, various body parts and drawing tools.
* Planning P/E screen to organize your treatment, including Examination Summary, possible contraindictions and P/E plan.
* Physical Examination screen which includes:
- Observation
- Active Movements
- Passive Physiological Movements
- Passive Accessory Movements
- Neurological examination
- Neurodynamic examination
- Palpation and other tools
* Treatment schedule and treatments, including
- Methods, Exercises, Homework and Notes
- Photos, videos, sound recording and other tools.
- Next treatment planning
The all-in-one physiotherapist's tool!