सरल, ऑप्ट में स्थान ट्रैकिंग सेवा।
Simple, Opt-In Location Tracking Service.
Use it for your safety and to manage your on-field workforce efficiently.
Location Tracking -
Locate your family members with an SMS, Missed Call or Mobile app.
Location History -
See the location history of your on-field workforce.
Buzz Phone -
Buzz your missing phone with an SMS / Mobile app.
SOS Button -
Quickly alert your close ones in case of an emergency.
Share a Location-
Let your friends know where you want to meet.
Tracking Permission -
Reveal location only to people you trust.
Non-Smart Phone Features -
Use SMART features of this app without having a SMART PHONE.
To get Real Time Location
A. Give Missed Call to your loved ones.
B. Send an SMS Kidhar Hai? or Where are you? to your close ones.
We always look forward to hearing from you! Please email us your feedback at: support@kidharhai.com
or follow us on
1. Twitter: https://twitter.com/kidharhaiapp
2. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidharhaiapp