शिकार और सबब पक्षियों लड़ रहे हैं, अपने, ठीक प्रयास करें, लेकिन आसान नहीं है, इस खेल deferant है
Here , you can Hunt and fight haunted birds with amazing levels , upgrade your player and defeat all birds in field and don't forget to upgrade your power of magic.
Haunted Birds Story :
What happened to our village birds !
All Birds in ( Darya ) valley was haunted.
i go to other valley to find any thing help to stop this, then find old man that give me a taste ( lure ) to catch haunted birds
witch can bring all haunted bird from the field to one point.
i will try to help my village , i know its not easy to do this.
if i can't ,,, then ,, please forget any thing about this story.
Rakan ...
This is First version of Haunted Bird
By Nooh Hakami - All right reserved
i hope enjoying this game , and always check for update .