अपनी ऐप गोपनीयता नीति और नियम और शर्त रखने का तेज़ तरीका
Today's Apps are largely dependent on data and the information that is derived from that data.
Data is critical for App that process that information to provide services and products to their customers. From a corporate context, in a company - from the top executive level right down to the operational level - just about everyone relies heavily on information.
In a complex environment where so much depends on the data that App collect and process, protecting that information becomes increasingly important. Among the steps App owners take to protect the data of their users, drafting a clear and concise Privacy Policy agreement holds central importance.
A Privacy Policy is a statement or a legal document that states how a company or App, handles and processes data of its customers and visitors. It explicitly describes whether that information is kept confidential, or is shared with or sold to third parties.
Personal information about an individual may include the following:
Phone number
Marital status
Religious beliefs