लॉक स्क्रीन या स्मार्ट वॉच से अपने शॉट्स की लोकेशन, टाइम और एक्सपोजर लॉग करें
With Film Shots you can record metadata (time, location, exposure, etc) for your film photos right from Lock screen, Smart watch or the app itself. One click is all it takes.
Zero setup - Film Shots learns your favourite camera/lens/emulsions and exposure combinations. No frustrating limitations, everything is editable and customisable.
Import metadata directly into Lightroom with a dedicated plugin, available here http://leaf500.com/lightroom-plugin/
Export in various formats including for viewing, printing and Exif manipulation
*** FREE and FULLY FUNCTIONAL with an optional monthly subscription to support the developer ***
* Record Exif and other metadata for your shots with a single tap from Lock Screen, Smart Watch or an App screen
* Supports roll films and Large Format sheet film holders
* Quickly learns your favourite settings and helps you setting up new rolls and sets with autocomplete
* Comes with lots of preloaded camera and film data
* Edit Exif and metadata of individual shots if needed
* Take reference pictures to help you identifying the negatives when they are back from the lab
* Track workflow of your rolls and sets: Active, Exposed, In Lab, Processed, Digitised, Archived.
* Special 'Inactive' status to remove currently unused rolls from lock screen and watch
* Filter your rolls by workflow status to only see what you need at the moment
* Export Exif metadata of rolls and sets for exif, viewing, printing, spreadsheets, JSON etc.
* Import directly into Lightroom in a non destructive manner for processing and export
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