हम आपको एक फर्जी कॉल और एसएमएस HD एप्लिकेशन पेश करेंगे, 100% स्वतंत्र और पेशेवर
We will present you a fake call and sms hd app, 100% free and professional with a nice design.
If you feel that your friends think you have received a very important phone call of famous people such as the president, or a beautiful girl from several countries such as United States, Russia, Canada, French, German...
With fake call or fake caller, you can select a caller from your contacts list or enter a new contact with a picture and phone number you want. And with this method you can configure multiple simulated or fake call with a single click.
Fake call and SMS features:
- Fake call with photo.
- Used the photo of your boss, your president, a beautiful girl...
- Easy to use and understand.
- Schedule a fake call.
- Ability to choose fake caller ID, time, photo, caller name.
- It is free forever.
- Make a call with your own ringtone and call history.