"मैं ड्रग्स से नफरत है!" - पीएच राष्ट्रपति रोड्रिगो Duterteआप चला सकते हैं, लेकिन आप छिपा नहीं सकते हैं!
This is a fan-made game showing people that, with Pres DU30, General Bato and the Local Officials, drugs will soon have no room in society.
What to expect as we progress in developing this game?
1. More characters will be made available in catching the drug criminals. Some good Senators will be placed, Congressman, and Police Personalities will be uploaded.
2. Characters providing special protection to the Drug Lords will be made available.
3. Get to choose your own character to play.
Some info of Illegal drugs:
“illegal drugs are DRUGS which have limitations on their ownership or use by a government, and are illegal in certain situations (meaning a person is not allowed to have them). - simple.wikipedia.org
Illegal Drugs. When people talk about a "drug problem," they usually mean abusing legal drugs or using illegal drugs, such as SHABU, marijuana, ecstasy,cocaine, LSD, crystal meth, and heroin. - kidshealth.org