Sep 17, 2018
दुआ एक्सप्लोरर टीम है कि आप लाया द्वारा बनाई गई एक app है। Dua Explorer का नवीनतम संस्करण डाउनलोड करें ताकि आप नए फ़ीचर्स और अपडेट्स का तुरंत आनंद ले सकें!
We are constantly trying to improve and update the app to give you best experience.
This update includes the following
◉ Dua sharing improvements
◉ Push notification enhancement
◉ Supplication reminder improvements
◉ New category added for Quranic Dua
◉ New category added for morning & evening dua
◉ Bugs fixes and more
Please star rate and review Dua Explorer app. This helps us a lot to constantly improve and serve Muslim ummah with emerging digital technologies, Jazak Allah