आज आपको क्या करना है, यह स्पष्ट करने के लिए यह ऐप एक टू डू सूची है।
This app is a to-do list to clarify what you have to do today.
It manages the tasks divided into the following 4 lists according to the execution date.
- [Do Today] list
- [Do Tomorrow] list
- [Do Someday] list
- [Complete] list
You can easily change the displayed list by swipe operation.
[Do Today] list
By registering what you have to do today in this list, you can see the items and status at a glance.
By checking the completed items, these items will be automatically moved to the [Complete] list at the end of the day (00:00).
[Do Tomorrow] list
Register the items to be done tomorrow to this list.
Items in this list will be automatically moved to the [Complete] list at the end of the day.
[Do Someday] list
Register the items to be executed on from day after tomorrow to this list.
In this list, you can use the reminder function by registering the execution date in the item.
By using the reminder function, the items will be automatically moved to [Do Today] list or [Do Tomorrow] list according to the execution date.
[Other functions]
- Move one item the list to another list
- Move checked items the list to another list
- Delete one item
- Delete checked items
- Check all items