पागल हथौड़ा 3 डी
You are a Mafia attack after cities, surviving crime military Hitman Special Forces soldiers. In the city was destroyed after finding the rest of the powerful firearms, you will rely on these weapons and precision sniper skills, recapture the town attacked assassin by Mafia . Mafia -depth probing field, at night in the assassin attack on Mafias in the dark with a flashlight to light, carefully look around to find and identify targets. Take a deep breath ... humiliate pulled the trigger, kill zombies enemy now Mafia Hunters grand Killers infiltrate theft auto
Agent 47 gangster
Exciting atmosphere
- Third-person Action shooter game.
- Great 3D images.
- Free running mode of operation
- Memorable shot lens.
- Multiple weapon of choice
Lethal Weapon
- Will greatly enhance the firepower of many types of weapons:
+ Sniper
+ MP5
+ Shotgun
+ MP4
+ AK47
+ M1911
Add Open World Mode