CoulomBulls is a game about electrical attraction and repulsion.
CoulomBulls is a game about electrical charges, attraction and repulsion. It is a electrically charged particles simulator in an environment of normal gravity (sometimes zero gravity) without magnetic forces. At levels with greater number of elements game behaves with butterfly effect: small variations in the initial position may lead to very different results.
With CoulomBulls some basics concepts of electrostatics and physics in general are learnt by experience, as Coulomb's law, the charge-mass ratio and behavior of a set of free electric charges with different masses, usually in the presence of gravity.
The default language is English, but the help text for each level and their basic elements, is available in Spanish.
In edit mode we place the elements, and then activate / deactivate with a physical button.
The first levels show the basic behaviors and some strategies to get the desired result.
Use the zoom to be more precise.