Nov 15, 2015
देखें सर्वेक्षण / सिविल Enginnering नौकरियों. कन्वर्ट और एसडीआर फ़ाइलों को प्रदर्शित, जीपीएस setout. CDSViewer Surveying & Setout का नवीनतम संस्करण 1.10 डाउनलोड करें ताकि आप नए फ़ीचर्स और अपडेट्स का तुरंत आनंद ले सकें!
Version 10 - numpad now displayed when asking for join points
- bug when screen being redraw - lot strings were doubling up
Version 9 - Includes option to import SDR33 file.
- Display in a human readable "stadia" format
- Create Plan view of points as a visual check on the data. User can perform invert/joins etc on the data.
- CDS compatible file is created so easy data import back in the office.