नियंत्रण कॉल की अवधि, ऑटो एक फोन कॉल लटका
With Call Timer, you can control the incoming and outgoing call duration.
Many network carriers services offer free calls for first 10, 15... minutes. With this application, you don't need to monitor the elapsed time manually, your phone will hang up automatically when configured time is reached.
1/ Auto hang up: The application will be in standby mode after user set time limit. Whenever there is an outgoing call or incoming call, the application will be monitor the time of call.
2/ Alow to user set the time with minutes and seconds.
3/ Make vibrate before hang up to notify user.
5/ Allow turn on/off all features when user don't need to hang up automatically.
6/ Support Vietnamese language.
7/ Auto redial after 5 seconds
Open the app at least once after install.
OPPO phones: You need to click Settings --> Application Management and click on symbol lock on the right of Call Timer to unlock it .
Thank you!