सही सिक्के या बिलों बॉक्स पर क्लिक छात्र sceen के शीर्ष मैच के लिए
Click on “Canadian Counting Matching" and then click the “Enter" button to open this program.
The default selections for this program are Level 3, Command Text, Prompt with Blink, Congratulatory Animation, Coins, and Numerical Label under Coin or Bill.
Here coins or bills are shown at the top of the screen. The student is asked to click on the box whose coins or bills match the value of the coins or bills shown in the box at the top of the screen. When the student clicks on the correct box at the bottom, it moves into the space in the middle of the screen and congratulatory animation appears.
When this is selected, the program can be used to train the student.
Select this option to measure the student’s progress. The “Report” button under “Test” mode is enabled.
This displays results of the “Test”. The report Holds Only 20 Records.
Grade On/Off: If it is on, app will monitor correct and wrong responses by the student
Correct Answer: When a student response to a question with correct answer
Wrong Answer: When a student response to a question with wrong answer
Number of Total Attempt: Number of times a student tried to answer questions in the app.
Bar Chart: Represents the student's performance graphically.
View Records: If there are old test results, they will be shown on this screen. The current test result is always on top.
Print: This will print the grade or data on the screen.
Clear Data: This button erase all the data that was stored and free up the memory that data was occupying.
Level 1
In Level 1, only the correct coin or bill appears at the bottom of the screen to be matched with the coin or bill appearing at the top of the screen.
Level 2
The correct coin or bill plus one distracter appears at the bottom of the screen.
Level 3
The correct coin or bill plus two distracters appear at the bottom of the screen.
This is checked by default. If the “Cents" box is checked only cents will appear on the screen.
If the “Dollars" box is checked only dollars will appear on the screen.
Numerical Label under coin or bill or No Label under coin or bill
If this box is checked the value of the coin or bill appears under the picture of the coin or bill. When this is checked, “No Label under Coin or Bill" is unchecked, and vice versa.
Prompt (Blink)
This is checked by default. If the student fails to type or click the correct value within ten seconds, the program guides him/her to the correct value by making the coin or bill blink.
Command Text
This is the default setting. The text “Click the box on the bottom with the same value" will appear at the bottom of the screen. If this is not checked the text will not appear.
Congratulatory Animation
This box is checked by default. When this is checked, clicking the correct value invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
Uncheck the box if the student doesn't need congratulatory animation.
Click this button to open this program after choosing selection.
Click on the “Back" button to close “Canadian Counting Matching" and return to the main page.