Sep 11, 2021
अपने Android डिवाइस के लिए Biocoded एन्क्रिप्टेड संचार समाधान पुराने संस्करण डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें Biocoded Beta जो आपके डिवाइस मॉडल के अनुकूल है और अपनी पसंदीदा सुविधाओं का आनंद लें!
* Overall improvements on messaging events. Read reports will be delivered and visible on all chats now.
* Messages with expiration have a more streamlined user interface and are available on all chats now.
* Improved location sharing with real-time location sharing upgrade. Location sharing is supported on all chats now. Location sharing can be enabled for a preset duration, after which it will automatically deactivate.