Learn Addition Interactively using Addition Table
An incomplete number statement (for instance, 2+3 = ) appears at top of the screen. The program tells the student to click on the first number (2) which is highlighted in red in the left column, and then to click on the second number (3) which is highlighted in green in the top row. The answer (5) now gets a blue highlight, and the program tells the student to click on the answer. The answer moves into the missing space in the number statement, and the program voice says “two plus three is five.”
Select All
If this is selected, then any and all of the numbers in this box will be used. To deselect this choice, click it again and selection will be ended.
Select Random Numbers
If this is selected, then the program will choose the numbers to be used in the problems.
Vertical Addition
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged vertically.
Horizontal Addition
If this is selected then the number statement at the top of the screen will be arranged horizontally.
Prompt with Blink
If this is selected, then student will helpful to choice the answer.
Congratulatory Animation
This box is checked by default. When this is checked, clicking the correct number invites a congratulatory animation. This animation runs for ten seconds. Click anywhere on the screen or press space bar to stop the congratulatory animation.
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