40 Rabbana Dua selected from the Holy-Quran with phonetic and English translate
Praise be to Allah I, we thank Him, seek His Help and His
Forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah I from the evils of ourselves
and that of our bad deeds. He whom Allah I guides, is truly
guided, and he whom Allah I leaves to stray, none can guide
him. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah I, who has no
partner and I bear witness that Muhammad r is His Messenger.
This publication is a compilation of forty such verses, which are
supplications imploring Allah for favours, all of which start with
beseeching Allah with His title of, the Lord of all.
If a person reads it with humility and subjugation, there will be a
feeling of contentment. The best time to read this book is before or
after Fajr salaah (Morning prayer).