ESL बोलने वाले परीक्षण के लिए आपको तैयार करने के लिए 1000+ प्रश्न 50+ प्रश्न
Here are more than 1000 questions about every needed aspect of life. This app includes more than 50 topics what can help you to improve your or your students English knowledge for exams.
This app is better than an English Exam Preparation book. It is free and easy to use.
With these questions you can prepare yourself for exams and your english knowledge will be improved. If you are answering the questions in English, you will achieve your goals fast and for free.
It is free.
Easy to use.
Include more than 1000 questions and more than 50 topics.
Topics are about every aspect of the life.
Every day you can make your own lesson and learn how to speak English like a native speaker.
You will pass the English exam (Cambridge English Exam, UKEA Exam, TSE, TOEFL, PTA Academic, LanguageCert, iTEP, IELTS, GEP, ECL) with this free app.
With this app you can achieve your goals.
Keywords: question, topic, english, exam, knowledge, lesson, speak, free, language, coaching, Cambridge English Exam, UKEA Exam, TSE, TOEFL, PTA Academic, LanguageCert, iTEP, IELTS, GEP, ECL