Feb 9, 2019
OUT हाबरी तंजानिया के मुक्त विश्वविद्यालय के लिए एक नोटिसबोर्ड अनुप्रयोग है OUT Habari का नवीनतम संस्करण 1.2 डाउनलोड करें ताकि आप नए फ़ीचर्स और अपडेट्स का तुरंत आनंद ले सकें!
To the esteemed community of OUT, it's a high time now to introduce to OUT Habari App, a mobile App that will provide you with access to information of the University on a mobile platform such as admission details, examination, our programs, short courses, news & announcements, sports &, community reach out events, and our Alumni information. furthermore, it gives you access to Online services that are offered by OUT