23 प्रकार के सिर के रोगों के होम्योपैथिक राहत के लिए मेडिसिन कैबिनेट।
EBS-homeopathic medicine chest on the topics head diseases assists you in the relief of 5 areas with 23 diseases, which are related to:
- headache
- migraine
- toothache
- earache
- sunstroke
Two typical examples:
- you need help at once, without long-winded reading of books
or investigations in the internet
- you are on vacation and you have packed some homeopathic medicine,
but you have no chance to consult books or the internet
With this app you carry all informations with you!
- you may choose the character of headache or migraine und you will
see the fundamental symptoms.
- you will get recommendations for the improvement of your disorders
and you will see, under which circumstances your disorders will degrade
- besides the recommendation of a special medicine, you will get
some advices for alternate medicines
- you may directly click on the suggestions and alternate options to see
a picture of the plant and a short description for normal usage and
informations about occurency and production
- if you are online, you may get more informations on a
fingerclick - without entering latin names
We wish you good luck with the treatment of your diseases!
PS: Besides the "medicine cabinet children" already exists several other medicine cabinets, i.e. the "medicine cabinet XXL" which contains all categories. We are already working on updates to extend the medicine cabinets with new categories and diseases!